
The SEN4LDN Consortium consists of a team of experts in the domains LDN monitoring and its sub-indicators such as land cover change mapping, productivity mapping and carbon stocks. Furthermore, the team specializes in cloud agnostic implementation, independent validation, user engagement and production of EO products at continental to global scale.

VITO (Belgium) is the prime contractor of the SEN4LDN Consortium together with Lund University (Sweden), GFZ (Germany), Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and Conservation International (USA).


VITO has many years of experience in global and local mapping of land cover and phenology/productivity. 
VITO is prima contractor for SEN4LDN and will be responsible for:

  • General Project Management
  • Development of Classification Workflows and Benchmarking
  • Implementation of the EO solution
  • Calculation of the National demonstrations & Use cases
  • Promotion and Outreach
  • Project conclusions and recommendations for future development


With its expertise in user engagement, background in land cover and biomass monitoring and involvement in establishing the Good Practice Guidance for SDG 15.3.1, GFZ will:

  • lead the User Engagement and Requirements Engineering
  • support the Early Adopter Use Cases
  • Support the recommendations for future development, i.e. roadmap

Lund University (SE)

Bringing in more than 20 years of experience in phenology and productivity mapping, LUND University will:

  • lead the Algorithm Development for trends in Productivity mapping
  • support the implementation of TIMESAT in the EO solution
  • follow up National Demonstrations and analysis of results
  • provide input in the Requirement Engineering and Best Practices for Trends in Productivity mapping.

Wageningen University (NL)

Well known for their scientifically sound land cover validation work, Wageningen University will:

  • provide the requirements for Product Validation and establish the Product Validation Plan
  • lead the Product Validation of National Demonstrations
  • support the Promotion activities of the project

Conservation International (USA)

With its expertise in LDN monitoring and the developed Trends.Earth software, Conservation International will:

  • support the integration of the sub-indicators into a cost-effective LDN monitoring system, harmonized with the coarse resolution baseline
  • help in integrating the EO solution in Trends.Earth